Today was the first full day on the boat. We learned how to steer, deploy science material, and furl the Jib Topsail, or JT sail. The JT sail was my favorite station because I got to walk in the net off the bowsprit. This is where we also got our harnesses! There are 2 types of harnesses on the boat. The one we got today is one that goes over our shoulders. We would where this when we are on watch just incase we have to go out to the bowsprit or any other spot that would be necessary to clip on. After a lunch break we then talked about emergency action plans. We did all of this while underway. We are now anchored in a cove and when we got here we got to jump off the boat! I went from the bow sprit and it was about 20 feet up. We also found really cool zooplankton and we put it under a microscope; they were all different organisms and they looked cool. Two of them were fighting under a microscope. Captain Sean told us to shower/ clean up while swimming. So I lathered up some soap and cleaned my hair. I am happy to report that I don’t smell anymore. After dinner we watched the sunset. The sky was a bright pink, orange and red. I had more hot chocolate tonight while watching the moon get brighter. I am now sitting on top of the “dog house” (which is where they chart courses, find depth… basically all the fancy instruments in there) The sky is so clear and the stars so so bright. The moon lights up the whole deck like it’s a spot light. Ending with this thought is good for tonight. Can’t wait for tomorrow!!
Posted inSEA Semester 2021
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